From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot
Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted
abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths,
plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted.
Unsafe. Unfair.
5 Facts About the Scope and Synergy of Coercion in
America. Download and Print 10 Business-Card-Sized
Messages per Page.
science shows it's not about "choice" after all.
Americans still insist they're not really
"pro-abortion," they're just "pro-choice." Why not
inform them that most (not all) abortions in
America are unwanted or coerced?
This is not "choice" as reasonable people understand it.
Tell them that the reality and its aftereffects exploit
and endanger both babies and mothers from all walks of
Keep these facts at hand ... in an ad, a handout or a
business-card-sized message to fit in a wallet, a purse
or a pocket.
Five Facts ... Summarized for You on a Business
According to research published in a major medical
journal, a study of American women who'd had abortions
found that:
64% felt pressured by others
52% felt rushed and
54% were uncertain about the
abortion, yet despite this,
67% received NO counseling, and
84% did not receive enough
information to make an informed decision
This is not "choice" as most Americans
understand it!
We formatted this stunning evidence to fit on a standard
business card. It portrays the "synergy of coercion" ...
multiple forces that work against -- not for -- the
rights and lives of both women and children.
This message is a quick way to challenge the very
foundation of "pro-choice" rhetoric while also letting
those already hurt know that they're not alone.
These messages are also great for
bulletins, newsletters or classifieds, etc., especially
in magazines read by women and families, such as
affordable local women's, civic or church and other
group publications.
Several Versions and Formats
There are other
business-card sized messages like this available --
many on pre-sized, 10-per-page, ready-to-print templates
like the one shown below.
The Elliot Institute offers these and
other templates that are ready to print on standard
business-card stock available at most office-supply
the cards to rallies, put them in mailers or share them
with leaders.
Challenge "pro-choice" leaders with evidence that most
abortions involve coercion, which is about human rights
abuses and exploitation, not "choice."
Print one, 10 or 100 with
Avery or other brands of perforated cards. Or, just
take them to your favorite quick-print shop or
traditional printer and they can print business cards
for you. (Or postcards like the one below.)
These and other cards also mention
TheUnChoice.com web site where people can go to get
the facts and learn "the rest of the story,"
including not only coercion, abuse and loss of babies'
lives, but other risks and aftereffects that include the
abuse, injury and
loss of mothers, too.
Check other
small space ads, too, for more messages and ways to
use them.
Postcards Are Available, Too, with Seldom-Heard "Before"
and "After" Facts
postcard version of "What
Every American Needs to Know" is also pre-sized to
print on standard
Avery brand or similar templates.
This card shows both the pre-abortion synergy of
coercion plus aftereffects, too, ... also widely ignored
by experts to the detriment of women, children and
families. Print them yourself or take them to a
quick-print shop or traditional printer. Keep a few on
hand! This message is also available as flyers
including varied headlines for specialized audiences.
There are also "co-op"
versions with space to add your own information, such as
a local group contact, a sponsor's logo, event
information, etc.
Help Support Tide-Changing Research, Education
and Outreach
Due to the urgency and potential of this message, we
invite you to use our evidence- based resources free of
charge. However, if you are able to make a
donation, however small, it will save the lives of
babies and mothers today, while also changing
hearts and minds tomorrow, and ending abortion with
truth, hope, healing, unity and compassion.
God bless you for your compassion and
partnership in this work!
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unwanted abortions
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Church Awareness Project
Center Against Forced Abortions
