Church Awareness Project

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Church Awareness Survey Shows Need for
More Awareness and Outreach on Abortion Issues

Campaign to Raise Awareness That Most Abortions
Are Unwanted or Coerced, Highlight Abortion's Impact


Springfield, IL  -- More than 400 people responded to an Elliot Institute survey asking what their church are doing to address the issue of abortion -- an issue that affects so many women and men in our churches. This includes awareness that most abortions are unwanted and coerced, the spiritual and emotional impact of abortion and the need for compassion and support for those who are hurt as well as the families of mothers killed before, during or after abortion.


Here are some of the things revealed by the survey:


Most of the respondents -- about 73 percent -- said that preaching on abortion was rarely or never done in their church or place of worship. Some reported that pro-life events were often mentioned in announcements or included in bulletins, and that prayers about abortion were said in their churches. But only about 19 percent of respondents said that their pastor or religious leaders regularly preached on abortion.


We also asked whether people in your churches (including your pastor or other religious leaders) are aware that most abortions are unwanted or coerced or know about the spiritual and emotional impact of abortion on women and men. Most respondents were either not sure or didn't think this was known in their churches. Less than a quarter of respondents felt that these issues were adequately known and addressed in their churches.


Why does this matter? Because so many people in our churches have been left hurting or traumatized by abortion -- including many unwanted or coerced abortions. Still others are at risk of experiencing this devastating and potentially traumatic event. 


As one respondent who is involved with a crisis pregnancy center noted:


[Many churches] are very faithful and donate money to our center. But there is so much more that they can do within the church to support this cause and take care of those who are affected by it or might be affected by it.


The good news is that many respondents said their pastors or religious leaders would be welcoming of women and men affected by abortion and willing to provide needed support. Many spoke of how their churches provide information and support for crisis pregnancy centers and post-abortion support groups.


Second, many respondents also told us that the Elliot Institute has been in the forefront of providing information and resources that raised their awareness of issues like coerced and unwanted abortion and the risks of abortion. Several told us how TheUnChoice campaign had been the first to educate them on this topic, and shared how they had used our information and resources to educate others.


One respondent who works with women who have had abortions told us:


I personally have been excited by your work and all the surveys you have done. I have had much confirmation from what you have been published. [You have] brought forth into the light and exposed the truth about unwanted abortions [and] coerced abortions. In working with women for about 20 years in this area I have found that many have been coerced [but] will not allow themselves to admit that and look at that for what it really was. ...


What you have published has helped in clarifying and confirming what I have heard over and over: abortion changed them in a negative way. I am all for awareness [of] post-abortive healing and there is a great need for it. Your surveys have helped to further our call to get out there and share the truth and give these women a safe place to begin their healing journey. And to be free to share their stories and the truth that abortion hurts many but God is there to heal, restore and redeem. His love is forever.


We want to make churches safe places for women and men, and it starts with educating our religious leaders. Our Church Awareness Campaign provides materials that you can share with your pastor, church leaders and others at your place of worship. To learn more about this project, please visit



for post-abortion counseling referrals, call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME or click here.
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