From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot
Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted
abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths,
plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted.
Unsafe. Unfair.
"Every Tuesday a scheduled bus picked up
students and took them to the Planned Parenthood clinic.
School counselors arranged the visits. It was all so
"The nurse said this was not the time to be asking
Parents and Students Deserve to Hear This ... Before
it's Too Late!
resources and opportunities. Educate parents, students,
educators and leaders ... from high school to college.
School days represent great opportunities
to reach students and their parents -- especially those
who are unaware that young people and teens who become
pregnant may be coerced into abortion behind closed
doors. You can help warn them, while educating others
about abortion's exploitation and the risks posed to the
rights and lives of both the unborn and women of all
ages ... especially vulnerable teens and college
Happens Fast. Prepare Parents and School and Student
Leaders in Advance.
Educate the educators. Educate the students. Educate the
parents and the community, too! Coercion can escalate
quickly and often works in concert with pressure to
abort coming from a teen's home, school, clinic
authorities, those in the helping professions, or even
at shopping mall storefronts that refer to profit-driven
abortion businesses.
The stakes are high. In addition to
coercion, teens are at risk of post-abortion harm and
heartbreak. This can range from permanent physical
injury and infertility, to "adult-sized" emotional pain
that can include clinical depression, trauma or even
Not surprisingly, research indicates that
anyone who is rushed, bullied or forced into an unwanted
abortion faces an even higher risk of post-abortion
issues. There is also a higher risk of death from all
causes among women who have abortions -- a tragic
reality that has blindsided families who were kept in
the dark.
What You Can Do
School days are also an opportunity to share proactive,
positive resources and news about the need for better
laws and to offer authentic help, hope and
healing before or after abortion, including help for
those being coerced. (Learn more on our
Help & Healing page or see proactive
Legislative Initiatives like those in South Dakota
and Nebraska.)
Enlightening Resources and
Community-Service Project Ideas
Up School: Speeches, Essays and Other Assignments
Use our evidence-based,
user-friendly, objective, and respectfully presented
pro-woman/pro-life education and outreach resources
throughout the school year. (See
Forced Abortion,
Suicide and
Help/Healing pages and other
resources for ideas.) This information can be used
in lesson plans or for classroom assignments such as
speeches and essays. This evidence can also be
incorporated into various curricula, such as health,
science, history, social studies, religion, civic or
government classes.
Educators to Incorporate New Facts in Lesson Plans
Use our evidence-based,
user-friendly, objective, and respectfully presented
pro-woman/pro-life education and outreach
resources throughout the school year in lesson plans
or classroom assignments such as speeches and essays.
This evidence can also be incorporated into various
curricula, such as health, science, history, social
studies, religion, civic or government classes.
You can also use our
cards and postcards as handouts or classified or
display ads in school publications, yearbooks and
newsletters. Ask educators to address these issues on
their blogs and in social media like
Facebook, and others.
Books to School and Other Libraries
This may be one of the most valuable things you can do
to counter missing or inaccurate information about
abortion's abuse, exploitation and risk to the dignity,
rights and lives of the unborn and women, plus so many
others. Donate
books to school, church and civic libraries. Giving
this gift at special times, such as Christmas, Mother's
Day or Memorial Day, etc., makes a great civic outreach
project for individuals or groups, too. Save lives and
shed light on the truth now and for years to come!
School Nurses, School Counselors, Principals, Etc.
Share new and exciting ideas for safer, healthier
students and life-changing volunteer opportunities. For
schools that have community-service hour requirements or
intern programs, etc., there are many opportunities to
incorporate this new evidence and these resources into
existing or new programs. (See the
Unsafe page,
Unsafe/Maternal Deaths page,
Help & Healing,
Center Against Forced Abortions, etc. Whether it's a
youth group project, an individual or community
endeavor, or an official, school-sponsored
community-service requirement, there are many needs and
it, Share it or Drive it Home!
From rallies to everyday wear, from bumper stickers for
your car to buttons for your lapel, from
business-card-sized messages to
postcard-sized crib notes, shake up "pro-choice"
Americans with evidence that most abortions are unwanted
or coerced, and the experience and its aftermath are
literally and figuratively killing women, too. (See
Forced Abortion in America and
Maternal Death Rates.)
Make the message "to go!" Start the conversation among
friends, family and leaders. Check
The UnChoice Shop for ideas, or use our cards and
postcards as handouts. or ads suitable for classified or
display ads in school publications, yearbooks,
newsletters, blogs, social media like
Facebook, and more.
Help Support Valuable Research, Education
and Outreach
UnChoice Campaign is an
evidence-based, pro-woman/pro-life education and
outreach project of the Elliot Institute. The Elliot
peer-reviewed academic research and other expertise
and information is used in important legal, judicial,
legislative, medical, social services and other
policy-making arenas to document abortion's
exploitation, injury and heartbreak to the rights and
lives of both the unborn and mothers.
Our information and materials are also helpful in
deterring abortions and saving lives of unborn children
and mothers, while also encouraging various audiences
and leaders to rethink their assumptions about
Due to the urgency and potential of this
message, we invite you to use our downloadable resources
(including many of those above) free of charge. However,
if you are able to make a
donation, however small, it will support and speed
this work.

GoodSearch, Shop and Dine ...
They'll Fund Our Work at No Cost to You!
Don't forget to support the Elliot
Institute by using
GoodSearch, GoodShop and GoodDining for everything
from summer fun and back-to-school shopping to Christmas
gifts, travel plans or dinner at your favorite
restaurant. Simply type in "Elliot Institute" as your
charity of choice and they'll direct funding to support
our work at no cost to you.
God bless you for your compassion and
partnership in this work!
news *
* donate
Twitter *
GoodSearch.com *
GoodShop.com *
bumper stickers, apparel, signs, etc.
unwanted abortions
suicide risk *
help & healing
Church Awareness Project
Center Against Forced Abortions
