this Issue:
Share at
State and County Fairs:
The Best Idea Since the Butter Cow!
Fair-Friendly Resources
or Business-Card Sized Messages
Formatted to Print on Office-Supply Templates
T-Shirts, Buttons, Hats and Signs
Reach those who don't know what
they don't know.
An education is being able to
between what you do know and what you don't.
–Antole France
summer, pro-life groups across the nation set up
booths or tables to inform and reach out to
fair-goers. For some, it's their most successful
outreach of the year. They have fun and meet new
friends while sharing information that many wouldn't
hear otherwise. Each year, there are reports of
lives saved, hearts and minds changed, plus equally
significant unreported successes.
Reserving a booth at state, county or
local fairs, or other summer and fall festivals can
make a big difference ... all while enjoying an icy
lemonade, sno-cone or funnel cake!
Many on all sides still assume abortion is about
"choice." Or that it's "safer" ... as if evidence
that most abortions are unwanted or coerced and
traumatizing or even deadly for women, too, doesn't
reflect an assault on both mother and child.
Furthermore, learning about the risks
before and
after abortion helps deter those who push
abortion on friends, family, or others. (See
recommended handouts below.)
Give Fair-Goers Something Else to
Take Home
fairway fun, give them takeaways that are more
enduring than the average stuffed animal or plastic
toy! For a fun way to attract people to your booth
while growing your contact list, too, you can hold a
prize drawing or give our
Pop Quiz and draw winners from the top scores.
Consider giving a
book to top scorers or hold a random drawing.
Collect names, mailing addresses and emails on the
entry forms.
You can also start the conversation by wearing or
giving away our "UnButtons," or "The UnChoice"
T-shirts, hats, mugs, etc. (links below) to keep the
message going long after the fair!
Ready to Meet and Greet?
10 Fair-Friendly Resources to Share
The Elliot Institute offers some
great conversation-starters!
We've condensed over 20 years' work
into respectfully presented, evidence-backed and
user-friendly resources, ideal for general
Here are some good starter pieces.
Choose one or a few. The booklets can be sent to a
printer or copied by hand.
"What Every American Needs to
Know" Series -
co-op plus other gender-specific or global
Portraits of Coercion
"Forced Abortion" Series
-- Forced Abortion
fact sheet or 26-page
Forced Abortion in America Special Report
Pop Quiz
Psychological Risks (short
long-form, each with citations)
Physical Risks (short
long-form, each with citations)
Hard Cases: New Facts. Compassionate Answers.
Research Booklets. (4-page
booklet or
16-page booklet plus other handy summaries
of key abortion research.)
Help/Healing Flyers and Cards. (Keep these
on hand to give those already hurt or who know
someone in need of healing.) Or, have a "Take
One" basket of
"rose" help/healing cards for people to pick
up anonymously. Also, see our
healing page for booklets about: a)
pregnancy resources, including help fighting
coercion, b)
healing tips and resources, or c) tips on
how to help others.
Conversation Starters!
Check the links below for signs, buttons, hats,
mugs, T-shirts and more to draw attention or to
give away as prizes.
Cards! Choose from 2
Postcards or 10 Business Card Messages Formatted to
Fit Office-Supply Templates
your convenience, some of our materials can also be
printed on standard office-supply templates for
business cards or postcards.
This includes 10
business cards or two
postcards, plus
Or, as mentioned above, hand out our
healing message cards, or put them in a "Take
One" basket. You can print them out using your own
home/business computer with templates from Avery or
other popular brands sold at office supply stores.
Or you can take these and other materials to a
printer or quick-print shop.
Conversation Starters or Prizes
Double your impact! Wear or carry a
We have many creative things you can wear and share
to get people thinking and talking from a fresh
perspective ... The UnChoice!

UnChoice button or bumper
sticker can be a great conversation-starter or
prize. It opens the conversation by exposing the
"choice" myth. See more "The UnChoice" products
broken-heart message also helps fence-sitters
reconsider their "pro-woman" ambivalence about this
issue. See more "heart icon" products
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