Forced Abortion Report Citations
The following are citations for the special
Forced Abortion in America.
Research Citations
Citations for individual cases described in the
report (numbers beginning with a "C") are listed below.
1. VM Rue et. al., “Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary
comparison of American and Russian women,” Medical Science Monitor 10(10):
SR5-16 (2004).
2. See the for futher information and cases.
3. I.L. Horton and D. Cheng, “Enhanced Surveillance for Pregnancy-Associated
Mortality-Maryland, 1993-1998,” JAMA 285(11): 1455-1459 (2001); see also J.
Mcfarlane et. al., "Abuse During Pregnancy and Femicide: Urgent Implications
for Women's Health," Obstetrics & Gynecology 100: 27-36 (2002).
4. See
5. M Gissler et. al., “Pregnancy Associated Deaths in Finland 1987-1994 --
definition problems and benefits of record linkage,” Acta Obsetricia et
Gynecologica Scandinavica 76:651-657, (1997). Another study found that,
compared to women who gave birth, women who had abortions had a 62% higher
risk of death from all causes for at least eight years after their
pregnancies. DC Reardon et. al., “Deaths Associated With Pregnancy Outcome:
A Record Linkage Study of Low Income Women,” Southern Medical Journal
95(8):834-41, (2002).
6. M Gissler et. al., “Pregnancy Associated Deaths in Finland 1987-1994 --
definition problems and benefits of record linkage,” Acta Obsetricia et
Gynecologica Scandinavica 76:651-657 (1997); and M. Gissler, “Injury deaths,
suicides and homicides associated with pregnancy, Finland 1987-2000,”
European J. Public Health 15(5):459-63 (2005).
7. Brian McQuarrie, “Guard, clinic at odds at abortion hearing,” Boston
Globe, April 16, 1999.
8. Carol Everett with Jack Shaw, Blood Money (Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books,
1992). See also Pamela Zekman and Pamela Warwick, “The Abortion Profiteers,”
Chicago Sun Times special reprint, Dec. 3, 1978 (originally published Nov.
12, 1978), p. 2-3, 33.
9. Julie A. Gazmararian et al., “The Relationship Between Pregnancy
Intendedness and Physical Violence in Mothers of Newborns,” Obstetrics &
Gynecology, 85 :1031 (1995); Hortensia Amaro et al., “Violence During
Pregnancy and Substance Use,” American Journal of Public Health, 80: 575
(1990); and J. McFarlane et al., “Abuse During Pregnancy and Femicide:
Urgent Implications for Women’s Health,” Obstetrics & Gynecology, 100: 27,
27-36 (2002).
10. “Is Your Mother’s Feminism Dead? New Agenda for Women Revealed in
Landmark Two-Year Study,” press release from the Center for the Advancement
of Women (, June 24, 2003; and Steve Ertelt,
“Pro-Abortion Poll Shows Majority of Women Are Pro-Life,”
(, June 25, 2003.
11. See Theresa Burke, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion
(Springfield, IL: Acorn Books, 2000) and
12. “National Opinion Survey of 600 Adults Regarding Attitudes Toward a
Pro-Woman/Pro-Life Agenda,” proprietary poll commissioned by the Elliot
Institute, conducted in Dec. 2002.
13. D. Reardon, Abortion Malpractice (Denton, TX: Life Dynamics, 1993)
14. JR Cougle, DC Reardon & PK Coleman, “Depression Associated With Abortion
and Childbirth: A Long-Term Analysis of the NLSY Cohort,” Medical Science
Monitor 9(4):CR105-112, 2003.
15. Frank,, "Induced Abortion Operations and Their Early Sequelae,"
Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners 35(73):175-180, April
1985; Grimes and Cates, "Abortion: Methods and Complications", in Human
Reproduction, 2nd ed., 796-813; M.A. Freedman, "Comparison of complication
rates in first trimester abortions performed by physician assistants and
physicians," Am. J. Public Health 76(5):550-554, 1986).
16. Franz, W. & Reardon, D., “Differential Impact of Abortion on Adolescents
& Adults,” Adolescence, 27(105):162-172.
17. Saltzman, L. & Policar, M., The Complete Guide to Pregnancy Testing and
Counseling (Alameda, CA: Planned Parenthood, 1985) 113-114.
18. See “Helping Predators, Harming Teens: Abortion Clincis and the Cover-Up
of Sex Crimes” at
19. See the list of risk factors and citations to published studies at
20. Elaine Hilberman and Kit Munson, “Sixty Battered Women,” Victimology, 2:
460-470 (1977-78).
21. See the many cases listed throughout this
report. See also “The Many Faces of Coercion,” The Post-Abortion Review,
8(1): 5-6 (Jan.-March 2000); and R.M. Tolman, “Protecting the children of
battered women,” J. Interpersonal Violence, 3(4): 476-483 (1988).
Individual Cases Part I
C1. E. Sorensen, et. al., "The Need for Effective Student-Athlete
Pregnancy and Parenting Policy," Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate
Athletics 1:25-45 (2009). See also Steven Ertelt, "More College
Athletes Have Abortions to Avoid Losing Scholarships,", May
13, 2007; Steven Ertelt, "NCAA Will Review Pregnancy Policy After
Student Athletes Get Abortions,", May 24, 2007; Steven
Ertelt, "NCAA Addresses Student Rights After Athletes Pressured to Have
Abortions,", August 3, 2007.
C2. Amanda Covarrubias, “$7.7 m for actor fired over pregnancy,” The
Age, Dec. 24, 1997, p. A7; cited in Melinda Tankard-Reist, Giving
Sorrow Words (Sydney, Australia: Duffy & Snellgrove, 2000) p. 243.
C3. “Fired Basketball Coach Settles Pregnancy
Discrimination Lawsuit,” Pro-Life Infonet, Sept. 16, 2002; Anne
Benjaminson and George Chikovani, “Stanley Told Former Assistant to Have
Abortion,” The Daily Californian, Sept. 17, 2002; Ted Olsen,
“Forcing Abortions: Mandated abortions happen in the U.S., too,”
Christianity Today, Nov. 18, 2002, Sally C. Pipes, “Choice
Contradictions, Double Standards,” The Contrarian, Vol. 6, No.
10, Oct. 8, 2002.
C4. Mark Bowes, “Forced-Abortion Suit Settled for $25,000
But Shelter Denies Making Eviction Threat,” Richmond Times Dispatch
Oct. 29, 1998, p. A1; “The Many Faces of Coercion,” The Post-Abortion
Review, 8(1):6, Jan.-March 2000.
C5. Pro-Life Infonet, Aug.
2, 1999; “The Many Faces of Coercion,” The Post-Abortion Review,
8(1):6, Jan.-March 2000.
C6. “Fearing
Job Discrimination, DC Woman ‘Forced’ to Have Abortion,” Pro-Life
Infonet, attributed to Washington Times, Aug. 30, 2001;
“Disciplinary Action Against EMS Supervisor in Coerced Abortion Case,”
SPUC News Service, attributed to Washington Times, Aug. 13, 2002;
“More DC Medics Say They Were Forced to Have Abortions,” Pro-Life
Infonet, attributed to Washington Times, Cybercast News
Service; August 31, 2001; “EMS Chief Who Coerced Medics’ Abortions
Retires,” Pro-Life Infonet, attributed to Washington Times,
Sept. 23, 2002; Carol D. Leonnig, “3 Women to Receive Payment in Bias
Suit,” Washington Post, September 15, 2005; Page DZ01.
C7. Miami
Feb. 7, 1999; “The Many Faces of Coercion,” The Post-Abortion
Review, 8(1):5-6, Jan.-March 2000.
C8. “Walmart to Pay $220,000 for Rejecting Pregnant Applicant, in EEOC
Settlement,” news release from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
Dec. 23, 2002; Dalia Fahmy, “Mothers Accuse Goldman Sachs, Citigroup of
Discrimination,” ABC News, March 29, 2010; " Joanna Grossman, "A Marked
Increase in Pregnancy Discrimination Claims and Other Key Developments
Illustrate the Continuing Struggle of Pregnant Workers,",
April 1, 2008.
C9. Steven Ertelt,
“Maternity Store Sued for Pregnancy Discrimination After Employee
Fired,”, June 30, 2003; Theo Emery (AP), “Maternity wear
company sued by woman fired while pregnant,” Portsmouth Herald,
June 27, 2003; “Maternity Clothier Case Settled,” 6 Action News (ABC,, July 26, 2005.
C10. Jury
Awards Florida Woman in Coercive Abortion Case,” Pro-Life Infonet,
attributed to Associated Press, Feb. 11, 2001.
C11. "NutriSystem Settles EEOC Pregnancy Discrimination Case,"
Philadelphia Business Journal, May 21, 2008; Dalia Fahmy, “Mothers
Accuse Goldman Sachs, Citigroup of Discrimination,” ABC News, March 29,
2010; " Joanna Grossman, "A Marked Increase in Pregnancy Discrimination
Claims and Other Key Developments Illustrate the Continuing Struggle of
Pregnant Workers,", April 1, 2008.
Individual Cases Part II
C12. "Woman in Forced Abortion Case Gets No Jail Time," Associated
Press, January 6, 2001; "Mom Won't Go to Jail," Orlando Sentinel
(Metro Edition) Jan 7, 2001. pg. B.3; "Mom Tries to Force Teen Into
Abortion: The Woman Forced Her Pregnant Daughter at Gunpoint to Go to a
Clinic Near West Palm Beach," Orlando Sentinel, Aug. 3, 2000; pg.
C13. "Man Uses Abortion to Cover Up Sisters' Rapes," Pro-Life Infonet,
April 13, 2003, attributed to New Orleans Times Picayune.
C14. "Settlement Announced in Pennsylvania Teen Abortion Case," press
release from American Center for Law & Justice, March 15, 2000.
C15. "Planned Parenthood Found Negligent in Reporting Molested Teen's
Abortion," Pro-Life Infonet, attributed to Associated Press;
December 26, 2002.
C16. Testimony of Joyce Farley, Child Custody Protection
Act Hearing Before the Subcommittee on the Constitute of the Committee
on Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, May 21, 1998. Posted at
C17. "Omaha Man Sentenced in Abortion-Fraud Case," Pro-Life Infonet,
attributed to Omaha World Herald, June 14, 2000.
C18. Jean Marbella, "Satisfactory explanations of sex crime proved
elusive," Baltimore Sun, Oct. 31, 1990; M. Dion Thompson, "GBMC,
doctor suspected nothing amiss," Baltimore Sun, Oct. 31. 1990;
"Family Horror Comes to Light in Story of Girls Raped by Father,"
Baltimore Sun, November 4, 1990; Raymond L. Sanchez, "Mother
Sentenced in Rape Case," Baltimore Sun, Dec. 6, 1990.
C19. "Judge Refuses Mistrial in Rape, Assault Case," Pro-Life Infonet,
attributed to The Morning Call, Jan. 2, 2002.
C20. David Sharp, "Plea seen in case against parents: Were accused of
kidnapping pregnant daughter," Boston Globe, Oct. 11, 2007;
Adrienne Samuels, "Race a factor in kidnap case, sheriff says,"
Boston Globe, Sept. 19, 2006; Adrienne Samuel, "Police say Maine
couple kidnapped daughter, intent on forcing abortion," Boston Globe,
Sept. 18, 2006.
C21. The Newsletter of Life Dynamics, Inc. (,
Edition 2, 2008, p. 4.
Individual Cases Part III
Associated Press,
New York Times; April 15, 2000; Reuters, May 25, 2000;
London Electronic Telegraph, June 11, 2000; New York Post,
Dec. 1, 2000; Associated Press, Jan. 11, 2001; New York Times,
April 22, 2001.
Arkansas Democrat Gazette;
February 8, 2001; Associated Press, Feb. 9, 2001; Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette, April 3, 2001; quoted in SPUC News Digest,
04/05/01; Associated Press, Nov. 5, 2001.
C26. “Man
beats his girlfriend outside clinic,” The Washington Times, Aug.
18, 1997; “Pro-lifers ask for use of
abortion clinic law,” The Washington Times, Aug. 19, 1997; “No
charges filed yet in clinic attack,” The Washington Times, Aug.
21, 1997; “U.S. Attorney probes abortion-clinic attack,” The
Washington Times, Aug. 22, 1997; “Abusive boyfriend still at large,”
The Washington Times, Sept. 6, 1997; “Man charged with assault in
clinic attack,” The Washington Times, Oct. 9, 1997; “Man
admits abortion-clinic beating,” The Washington Times, March 6,
1998; “Pro-lifers see double standard in Justice actions,” The
Washington Times, June 12 1998; Brian MacQuarrie, “Guard, Clinic at
Odds at Abortion Hearing,” Boston Globe, April 16, 1999.
C27. The
Buffalo News,
Feb. 6, 2002; The Buffalo News, March 16, 2002, from SPUC News
Service March 20, 2002.
C28. Steven
Ertelt, “Alaska Air Force Man Faces Court Martial in Attempted Forced
Abortion on Wife,”, May 1, 2009; Steven Ertelt, “Air Force
Staffer Gets Nearly 10 Years For Killing Baby After Abortion Refusal, (, May 4, 2009.
C29. The
Newsletter of Life Dynamics, Inc.,
( Edition 2, 2008, p. 5
C30. Las Vegas
Review-Journal, June 27, 2003; Glenn Puit. “Las Vegas Man Faces
Charges: Viability of Fetus to Survive Outside Womb Might be Key.” Las
Vegas Review-Journal,
December 9, 2002; Steve Ertelt’s
Pro-Life Infonet at, December 10,
2002; Carri Geer Thevenot. “Pregnant Woman Stabbing: Man Gets 18-Year
Sentence,” Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 27, 2003.
C31. National
Right to Life News,
Feb. 2001.
C33. Richard
Halloran. “The Rising East: Millions Victimized by Modern-Day Slavery.”
The Honolulu Advertiser, November 19, 2002; Amy
Klein. "10 Charged as Human Smugglers: N.J. Ring Lured Girls Into
Servitude, U.S. Says." The Record [Bergen County, New Jersey],
July 22, 2005, page A01.
C35. St.
Louis Post Dispatch,
May 22, 2002.
C36. Paul
Nowak, “South Dakota Man Charged With Two Crimes in Unborn Victims
Case,”, Nov. 27, 2003 (;
“Man charged with 2 counts of assault,” The Rapid City Joural (,
Nov. 23, 2003; “Man charged with killing unborn baby to stay in jail,”
The Rapid City Journal, Nov. 26, 2003; “House Oks fetal homicide
measure,” The Mercury News (, Feb. 27, 2004);
Scott Waltman, “Aberdeen man gets 35 years in prison,” Aberdeen
American News (, March 27, 2004, p. 1A.
Theresa D. Mcclellan. “Man Faces Rare Charge of Trying to Hurt Fetus.”
The Grand Rapids Press, September 11, 2003
Associated Press;
Feb. 1, 2001; Associated Press, June 6, 2001.
C43. Charles
Bosworth, Jr., “Man held in death of twins born early,” St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, Jan. 6, 1996, p. 1B; Charles Bosworth, Jr.,
“Woman:Kick was accident, but man to be tried in death of twins,” St.
Louis Post-Dispatch, Jan. 27, 1996, p. 1B; Charles Bosworth, Jr.,
“Father faces sentencing for causing girls’ deaths,” St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, May 4, 1996, p. 3B; Charles Bosworth, Jr., “Man gets
five years for kick fatal to unborn daughters,” St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, March 28, 1997, p. 1B; Terry Hillig, “Man Is Accused
of Second Attack on Pregnant Wife.” St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, December 14, 1999, p. B5; Terry Hillig, “Man who
beat pregnant wife goes free on lesser charge.” St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, December 14, 1999, p. B5 [all stories archived
at]; American Life League’s
Communique, January 21, 2000.
C47. Debra
Rosenberg. “The War Over Fetal Rights.”
Newsweek Magazine, June 9, 2003; Testimony of Tracy Marciniak
before the House Judiciary Constitution Subcommittee, on the Unborn
Victims of Violence Act of 2003 (H.R. 1997), July 8, 2003; Charles
Colson. “One Victim or Two?: The Unborn Victims of Violence Act.”
BreakPoint with Charles Colson, September 10, 2003. See also
Tracy’s testimony posted on
“Pennsylvania Man Sentenced After Punching Pregnant Girlfriend,” In Brief, Aug. 27, 2003.
C51. Denise
A. Raymo. “Abortion Charge Tied to Beating Miscarriage.” The
[Plattsburgh, New York]
Press-Republican, September 20, 2001; Denise A. Raymo. “Plea in
‘Abortion’ Case: Malone Man to be Sentenced for Kicking Girlfriend.” The
[Plattsburgh, New York]
Press-Republican, April 3, 2002; Sue Botsford. “Man Whose
Attack Aborted Baby Sentenced to Maximum.” Plattsburgh, New York
Press-Republican, May 21, 2002. Downloaded from
on May 22, 2002.
Associated Press, “Man Charged with Attempted Murder, Abortion in Attack
on Pregnant Girlfriend,”, July 11, 2003; “Man accused of
stabbing girlfriend,” Capital News 9 (, July 12,
2003; “Albany man arraigned for attack,” Capital News 9, July 17, 2003;
“Man convicted of abortion and assault,” Capital news 9, May 9, 2004.
C53. “Lima
Doctor and Wife Indicted in Fetus Plot.”
Toledo Blade, August 31, 2000; “Doctor Guilty of Attempted
Kill.” FindLaw Legal News
online, October 1, 2001; Associated Press, October 1, 2001; “Doctor
Guilty of Attempting to Cause Girlfriend’s Abortion.” Steven Ertelt’s
Pro-Life Infonet at, October
2, 2001; Rob Modic. “Wife of Convicted Doctor Gets Community Service
Instead of Jail Sentence: Judge Puts Tammy Muntzing on Probation.”
Dayton Daily News, November 29, 2001; Rob Modic. “Woman Sues
Ex-Doctor, Wife Over Miscarriage.” Downloaded from on January 11, 2003.
C55. “’Free
Me Without Bail,’ Asks Lawyer Accused of Plotting to Kill Woman.”
Miami Herald, September 22, 1993; Trevor Jensen. “Hollywood
Lawyer Found Guilty for Plotting Murder.”
Florida Sun-Sentinel, January 21, 1995, pages 1B and 5B; “Man
Who Attacked Girlfriend After Abortion Refusal Freed From Prison.”
Florida Sun-Sentinel, December 15, 2000;
Pro-Life Infonet at,
December 19, 2000.
C56. Karen Sudol.
"Man Who Paid to Injure Woman Gets Seven Years: Wanted His Girlfriend to
Miscarry." Asbury Park Press [New Jersey], January 1, 2007.
“Physician Indicted for Illegal Abortions.”
Washington Times, November 3, 1989;
Tyler Morning Telegraph, June 12 and 13, 1991; Associated
Press, February 9, 1989; Ken Kusmer. “Abortions Cost Doctor 16 Years.”
The Oregonian, August 1, 1991; and Frontline Updates. “Indiana
Abortionist Gets 16-Year Prison Term.”
National Right to Life News, August 13, 1991, page 12; The
Indiana Health Profession Bureau Case #89 MLB 003.
C61. David
Doege, “Killing of fetus brings 30 years,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
(, Dec. 15, 2000.
C62. "Police: Father Admits to Beating Pregnant Teen," WEWS Cleveland
Channel 5 ( July
7, 2008; "Father Jailed, Accused of Beating Pregnant Daughter,", July 7, 2008.
Associated Press,
Oct. 26, 2002.
C65. Leslie
Bond. "Minnesota Man Convicted Of Assault And Criminal Abortion Gets
Nine-Year Sentence." National Right to
Life News, August 21, 1986, page 6.
C66. Steven
Ertelt, "Ohio Teenagers Found Guilty of Attacking Pregnant Girl, Killing
Unborn Baby,", April 15, 2008; Steven Eterlt, "Ohio Teen
Who Killed Girlfriend's Unborn Baby After Abortion Refusal Begins
Trial,", April 8, 2008; Steven Eterlt, "Ohio Teen Wasn't
Father of Unborn Baby He Killed in Attack on Pregnant Mom,",
April 2, 2008
C67. Associated
Press. "Jury Finds Three Guilty of Beating Pregnant Woman." Sarasota
Herald‑Tribune, April 4, 2006.
Individual Cases Part IV
Associated Press; January 8, 2002 cited in Pro-Life Infonet, Jan. 10,
Greensboro News & Record; June 11, 2001; Alicia Rutland,
“Holliman Guilty of Murder; Judge Catherine Eagles Sentences Shawn
Michael Holliman to Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole,”
Greensboro News-Record, July 14, 2001, B1.
C70., February 14, 2008
(; Steven Ertelt, Ohio Police Officer
Charged With Killing Pregnant Woman, Nine Month Baby,, June
25, 2007 (, “Jury Returns for Bobby
Cutts Jr.'s Sentencing in Murder of Pregnant Lover,” Associated Press on, Feb. 25, 2008; Friend: Ex‑Cop Threatened to Kill Pregnant
Girlfriend Jessie Davis Month Before She Disappeared, Associated Press
on, Feb. 6, 2008; Steven Ertelt, “Ohio Policeman Bobby Cutts
Guilty of Killing Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child,”
C71. Pam
Zubeck and Anslee Willett. “Slain Fetus Fuels Calls for Law.”
Colorado Springs Gazette, August 21, 2002; Bill Hethcock. “Girl’s
Killer Pleads Guilty.” Colorado
Springs Gazette, November 27, 2002; Lynn Bartels, “Panel sets
aside fetal death bill,” Rocky Mountain News, Feb. 10, 2006.
Arkansas Democrat‑Gazette, Feb. 9, 2000.
Associated Press, April 23, 2002; Augusta Chronicle, Dec. 9,
C74. John
Moritz. “Man Who Killed the 10-Year-Old He Impregnated Scheduled to
Die.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram,
November 11, 2003; Edward Lewis
LaGrone v. Douglas Dretke, Director, Texas Department of Criminal
Justice, Institutional Division, United States Court of
Appeals, Fifth Circuit, No. 02-10976, filed September 2, 2003.
C75. Steven Ertelt, “Pennsylvania Man Charged With
Killing Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby,”
(, Aug. 22, 2005; Steven Ertelt,
“Pennsylvania Man Killed Woman After She Refused Abortion,”
( Aug. 24, 2005; “Another Figueroa
Arrest Imminent,” WPVI‑TV 6 (ABC),
(, Aug. 23,
2005; Steven Ertelt, "Pennsylvania Trial Opens on Man Killing Woman Who
Refused Abortion,", Oct. 13, 2006
(; Steven Ertelt, "Man Convicted of
Killing Woman Who Refused Abortion and Her Baby,", October
17, 2006 (
C76. Donna St. George, “Violence Intersects Lives of Promise:
Relatives and Friends Evoke the Women and Their Paths Toward Death,”
Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2004, p. A01.
C77. Rob Seal, “Dale City murder trial to start,”
Manassas Journal Messenger (, Dec. 19, 2005; Rob
Seal, “Judge to decide Williams’ fate,” Manassas Journal Messenger
(, Dec. 20, 2005; Rob Seal, “Williams guilty of murder
and abduction,” Manassas Journal Messenger (,
Dec. 20, 2005; Ian Shapira, “Dale City Man Found Guilty In Deaths of
Fetus, Mother: Killer, Who Thought He Was Father, Faces Life Term,”
Washington Post, Dec. 21, 2005, p. B02.
Associated Press. "Casino Security Guard Pleads Guilty to Murder in
Teen's Beating Death.", May 28, 2003; Americans United
for Life. 2004 State Report Cards, page 61.
C79. Garth
Stapley. “Peterson Charges Mirror ‘81 Trial: Murray Refrained From
Commenting on the Bunyard Case.” The
Modesto Bee, September 13, 2003.
C80. "Jersey Man Guilty In 7 Fire Deaths." New York Times,
January 30, 1987.
C81. “Life
Notes: Unborn Babies Murdered,” Life
in Oregon [Oregon Right to Life], Dec. 1999-Jan. 2000, p. 7;
Tim Doulin, “Aggravated Murder Charge Too Severe, Defense Attorney Says:
Sean Steele Intended to Harm Barbara Watkins Because She Refused to Have
an Abortion, Prosecutors Say,”
Columbus Dispatch, March 31, 2000.
Associated Press (May 18, 2002); Associated Press; May 31, 2002.
C83. The
May 21, 1999.
C84. “Husband
Charged With Wife’s Murder.” 28 News [Tampa, Florida], June 25, 2002;
“State Man Charged in Wife’s Murder in Florida: Peck Waives
Extradition.” ChannelOklahoma, June 26, 2002; Vickie Chachere, The
Associated Press. “Man Goes on Trial Today in Death of Pregnant Wife.”
Orlando Sentinel, September 2, 2003; “Tampa Jury Convicts
Oklahoma Man in Pregnant Wife’s Murder.” Tampa
Herald Tribune, September 16, 2003; “Man Convicted of Killing
Pregnant Wife Who Refused Abortion.” Steven Ertelt’s
LifeNews at, September 10, 2003; Joshua
Pace. “Pursuing a Killer Pays Off After Seven Years” and “Family Finally
Finds Solace When Murderer Charged With Woman’s Death.”
The Norman Transcript, KOCO Television [Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma] October 5 and 6, 2003.
C85. Los
Angeles Times,
May 21, 1998.
C86. The
Blade (Toledo, OH) Feb. 10, 2000; The Blade, Feb. 19, 2000;
“Ohio Man Might Receive Death Penalty in Feticide Death.”
Pro-Life Infonet, February 2, 2000; “Man Shoots His Girlfriend
When She Won’t Abort.” Pro-Life
Infonet, February 2, 2000; “Victim’s Mother Testifies Boyfriend
Wanted Woman to Have an Abortion.” Associated Press, February 7, 1999
and February 8, 2000.
C87. Steve Lieberman and Jane Lerner. "Neighbor Charged in
16-Year-Old's Murder; Chaos in Court." The Journal News
[Rockland, New York], June 30, 2006; Steve Ertelt. "New York Man Who
Killed Pregnant Girlfriend for Refusing Abortion Sentenced.", March 2, 2007.
Associated Press, May 21, 2001; from Pro-Life Infonet, May 24, 2001;
“Death Penalty Sought in Bombing Conviction.”
The Virginian-Pilot, May 24, 2001; Donna St. George,
“Killings of new, expectant mothers mount,” The Washington Post,
Dec. 18, 2004 as cited on
Associated Press,
Nov. 20, 2000; Associated Press, Nov. 29, 2000; Court TV, Dec.
10, 2000; Associated Press, Dec. 12, 2000; Associated Press,
Jan. 20, 2001; Associated Press, Jan. 22, 2001; Associated
Press, Feb. 27, 2001; “Hearing Held in Rae Carruth’s Civil Trial in
Unborn Victims Suit,”
C90. Steve
Ertelt, “Colorado Man Won’t Be Charged for Killing Unborn Child,” (, Oct. 12, 2003; Lynn
Bartels, “Panel sets aside fetal death bill,” Rocky Mountain News,
Feb. 10, 2006.
C91. Pro-Life
Infonet Monthly Summary, June 4, 2000.
C92. Salt
Lake Tribune,
Sept. 10, 2000.
C93. Shane
Benjamin. “Confession May Solve ‘01 Murder.”
Durango Herald, August 12, 2003.
Dayton Daily News,
March 1, 2002; Associated Press, “Boyfriend Gets Prison in Slaying,”
March 4, 2002; Lifetalk Video News,
April 2002.
C95. "Slain Woman Was Pregnant With Ex-Brother-In-Law's Child."
WNBC Television Channel 4 News [NBC, New York City Metropolitan Area],
February 25, 2005; Bart Jones. "Kin: Killed Over 'Love for Life'."
Newsday [Long Island, New York], February 28, 2005; John Sullivan.
"Man Admits Killing Sister-in-Law." New York Times, April 18,
C96. Salt
Lake Tribune,
Jan. 8, 2002.
C97. Emanuella Grinberg. "Prosecutor: Married Man Killed Pregnant
Girlfriend to Avoid Burden of Illegitimate Child." Court TV, October 23,
2006; Emanuella Grinberg. "Jury Convicts Sanitation Worker of Shooting
Pregnant Mistress, Dumping Body in River." Court TV, October 25, 2006.
C98. Lynette
Meachum. “Victim’s Mom: `He Could Con Anybody’.”
The Sun [Bremerton, Washington], September 22, 1999; Tracey Cooper.
“Family of Murdered Woman Sue Killer, State.”
Central Kitsap Reporter, August 2, 2002.
C99. R.S.
Shankar. “Many Unanswered Questions in Doctor’s Murder.”, November 24, 1999; Richard Winton. “Defense Rests,
Mistrial Bid Denied in Doctor’s Slaying Case.”
Los Angeles Times, November 22, 2000; Suman Guha Mozumder. “U.S.
Doctor Convicted.” December 9, 2000, The
India Tribune Online, www. world.htm
(downloaded on February 19, 2001).
C100. Dean Pritchard, "Victim
left to die in snow: Killer's Careless Dump of Victim Revealed," Canoe
News Network (Canada), Oct. 10, 2009; "Fernando Killers Plead Guilty,"
CBC News, Oct. 8, 2009; "Pregnant Woman's Killers Get Life," CBC News,
Oct. 9, 2009; "Replay: Life sentences handed down to Fernando killers,"
Winnipeg Free Press, Oct. 9, 2009; Dean Pritchard, "Confession
played key role in murder trial," Winnipeg Sun, Oct. 10, 2009.
C101. Associated Press, "NYC Father Admits Killing Daughter, 14, Found
in Boiler Pregnant With His Child,, Oct. 9, 2009.
C102. Derrick
Nunnally, “Jury convicts man of killing fetus, girlfriend,” Milwaukee
Journal Sentinel (, May 6, 2004;, May
11, 2004; Derrick Nunnanlly, “Man sentenced to life in prison for
killing pregnant woman, fetus,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June
11, 2004.
“Suspect Arrested and Charged in Murder of Pregnant Woman,” (Baltimore)
WJZ TV 13 News
(, July 18, 2003;
Jason Song, “Suitland Man, 27, Charged in Killing of Columbia Woman:
Mother of 2 Was Pregnant When She Was Shot May 4,” The
Baltimore Sun, July 19, 2003; Lisa Goldberg, “Man Indicted in
Internet Sex Sting Case: Unrelated Abuse, Murder Suspects Also Face
Charges,” The Baltimore Sun,
Aug. 14, 2003; Donna St. George, “Violence Intersects Lives of Promise:
Relatives and Friends Evoke the Women and Their Paths Toward Death,”
Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2004, p. A01.
C104. Associated Press, "Texas Court: Fetus Death Can Be Murder,"
The Guardian (UK), Nov. 22, 2007
(,,‑7097139,00.html); Steven
Ertelt, "Texas Criminal Court Upholds Conviction Under Unborn Victims
Law,", Nov. 22, 2007 (
C105. Liz
Townsend. “Prosecutors Across the Country File Charges in Unborn Babies’
Deaths.” National Right to Life News,
December 1999.
C106. Kevin
Cullen, “Stuart Case Leaves Legacy of Bitterness,” Boston Globe,
Oct. 23, 1994; Sherry Dorsey, “Matthew Stuart set to depart prison
today,” Boston Globe, June 21, 1995; City Confidential
television show, March 21, 2004.
C107. Hazel
Trice Edney, “Tragedy Robs Youth of Life with Mother,”
Sacramento Observer, July 21, 2003 (
C108. Norwich
Bulletin; December 30, 2002; “Slaying Suspect Arrested.”
American-Republican, January 3, 2002; Gail Ellen Daly. “After
22 Months, `Jenny’s Law’ Becomes a Reality.”
The Chronicle [Willimantec, Connecticut], October 11, 2003;
State Representative T.R. Rowe [Republican-123rd District], Trumbull,
Connecticut. “There’s More Than One Way to Fight Domestic Violence.”
Connecticut State Republicans, posted at (Oct. 27,
2003); Donna St. George, “States Add Penalties for Death of Unborn,”
Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2004; p. A06.
C109. Steven Ertelt, "Maryland Man Gets Life in Prison for
Killing Girlfriend and Her Unborn Child,", Sept. 14, 2008.
C110. Senate
to Vote on Unborn Victims of Violence Act,” Press release from National
Right to Life Committe, March 20, 2004,
C111. “Man
Pleads Guilty to Murder Charge,” WVLT-8 TV [Knoxville, Tennessee],
October 12, 2003.
C112. Mark
Kiesling. “Man Pleads Guilty to Overpass Murder: Dropped Pregnant
Girlfriend Into Borman Traffic.”
Northwest Indiana News, July 30, 2003.
C113. “Man
Sentenced in Murders of Pregnant Girlfriend, Newborn Baby,” Wave 3 TV
Louisville (, Dec. 11, 2003.
C114. Jaime
Levy, “Ex-boyfriend, others face charges in 2002 slayings,” Charlotte
Observer (, May 19, 2004; “Police Solve
Double Homicide,”, May 7, 2004; “Third Person
Charged in 2002 Concord Homicide,, May 18, 2004; Scott
Jenkins, “Local men charged with murder of mother, unborn baby,”
Salisbury Post (, May 7, 2004.
Jonathan Lemire, Barbara Ross, and Austin Fenner, “Bust ‘animal,’ New
York Daily News (, April 17, 2004.
C116. Ramon Coronado. "Double Murder Case is Outlined:
Jury Will Now Decide Fate of Teen Accused of Shooting Pregnant
Girlfriend in the Head." Sacramento Bee, May 14, 2004; Ramon Coronado.
"Jury Takes Less Than 2 Hours to Convict in Double Murder." Sacramento
Bee, May 15, 2004.
C117. Tim Potter. "Slain Teen had Been Pressured, Filing Says."
The Wichita Eagle, June 20, 2006; Suzanne Perez Tobias. "A Smart,
Smiling Girl with a Secret." The Wichita Eagle, July 3, 2006; Tim
Potter. "Teen Pleads Guilty in Brooks Case." The Wichita Eagle,
July 14, 2006.