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Widespread coercion

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Special Reports



Below you will find links to special reports and editions of our e-newsletter that focus on specific issues.


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Special reports



Special Edition: The Real "War on Women" In response to claims of a political and cultural "war on women," this report takes a closer look at the real "war on women." It includes "pre-abortion" issues such as medical coercion, gendercide and sex-selection abortions; unwanted, coerced or forced abortions; abortion-related maternal homicide; and negligent or abusive medical and counseling practices; plus other abortion and "post-abortion" issues, such as dangerous and poorly regulated clinics; abuses and substandard medical practices; heartbreak and serious, even life-threatening physical and psychological injuries, and higher overall maternal death rates in abortion's aftermath. The truth about "back alley" abortions and more.


Special Edition on Coercion Inside the Abortion Industry
Articles: Abortion Industry's "Mission Is to Pressure Women, Say Former Workers; The Selling of Abortion: How the Ideas Behind the Industry's "Counseling" Were Developed; Women Who've Been There Speak Out


Forced Abortion in America: A Special Report (pdf download)

Facts about unwanted, coerced and forced abortions. Includes summaries of more than 100 reported cases in which women and girls were forced to abort, or assaulted or killed for refusing to abort.


Special Edition on Invisible Abortion Deaths
Articles: CDC Reports of Abortion Deaths Double: Research Shows Many Deaths Go Uncounted; Why U.S. Abortion Mortality Statistics Are Meaningless; Abortionists Not Held Accountable for Mistakes: A Physician Speaks; "Invisible" Abortion Deaths


Special Edition on Repeat Abortions

Articles: Repeat Abortions: What the Research Says; Understanding the Impact of Repeat Abortions; "So Much of Me Died:" One Woman's Story of Repeat Abortions


Special Edition on the RU-486 Abortion Drug
Articles: RU-486 and the Assault on Pregnant Women; RU-486: A Tool for Population Control


Special Edition on IVF and Abortion
Articles: Targeting "Excess" Children: Infertility Treatments and the Problem of "Multifetal Pregnancy Reduction"; IVF, Mass Production and Coercion


Special Edition on Men and Abortion

Articles: Forgotten Fathers and Their Unforgettable Children; The Impact of Abortion on Men; Post-Abortion Trauma in Men Still Overlooked; "That Day Ripped My Gut Out:" One Man's Story of Abortion


Special Edition on Sexual Assault Pregnancy and Abortion
Articles: Rape, Incest and Abortion: Searching Beyond the Myths; What the Research Says; "I Felt Like I Had No Other Choice:" One Woman's Story of Sexual Assault and Abortion

Special Edition on Abortion and Substance Abuse
Articles: Abortion and the Link to Substance Abuse: What the Research Says; "All I Wanted Was My Baby:" One Woman's Story of Abortion and Substance Abuse


Special Edition on Teens and Abortion

Articles: Is Abortion Better for Teens Than Unwanted Pregnancy?; How Teens Are Manipulated Into Unwanted Abortions; Helping Predators, Harming Teens, Nobody Told Me I Could Cry: Tiffany's Story




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