101 – important tips and fundamentals
How to use The UnChoice
ads, campaigns and educational materials on this site affordably and effectively
section includes
important fundamentals and tips about how to advertise
effectively and how to best use the ads, campaigns and educational
materials on this site to reach general or more targeted audiences.
It includes information about how to choose from various types of media
and how to select the right ads, media or
There are also a few "keep your eye on the ball" basics about
best practices for advertising and mass-media to get the results you
Low-cost or free alternatives to advertising
are also discussed.
1. Easiest and Quickest Option
For Immediate Use, Choose from our Mix & Match Menu
If you
prefer a simpler, faster, free or low-cost option, just choose anything from our
Mix & Match menu
below, or anything from the Resources
This includes small space ads ideal for bulletins, newsletters or any
online or print publications. This also includes postcards you can use
as ads, handouts or mailers; educational flyers,
These materials are designed for ease of use in varied audiences
with little or no advance planning or expertise. Read
Low-Cost/No-Cost Ways to Use these Materials for ideas on how to use
items from the "Mix & Match" menu or other resources, such
as postcards, or flyers, bulletin inserts or ads, classified-style ads,
banner ads, etc.
Since this is a relatively new message to most people -- especially
evidence about unwanted abortions, post-traumatic stress and maternal
death rates -- these free or low-cost options can be quite effective in
awakening people to abortion's exploitation, harm, heartbreak and risk
to the rights and lives of both the unborn and women from all walks of
life. A few small ads run consistently in a small local publication can
reach many people and have a ripple effect.
A Word About The UnChoice Campaign
The UnChoice
campaign is based on new pro-woman/pro-life evidence from the Elliot
Institute and other experts, which
radically changes cultural presumptions and attitudes about abortion, while
opening doors and saving lives in the short-run as well. This new
information can stop abortions today by deterring those who coerce or
consider abortion. Its message is unique, urgent and powerful.
You can help spread the message in many ways. For immediate use with
little or no planning, see our "Option One -- "Mix and Match" menu of
ads and other materials. If you have the time, funding and resources for a full-scale, professional
campaign, consider "Option Two -- The UnChoice Campaign." This
includes the more
nuanced and context-dependent print ads, which should really be run as a
group to be effective. Please read this section first and plan
accordingly if you choose to run a campaign.
The Elliot Institute is making these materials available free of charge
to compassionate individuals and groups who share our concerns. Finally,
you can donate to support the Elliot Institute's work, including running
The UnChoice campaign in a test market.
Learn more about why The UnChoice campaign is unique and what it can do:
Why The UnChoice campaign is different ... and essential
12 things this evidence-based campaign can do
Why advertise?
The ABC's of Effective Advertising |
Advertising Works!
Advertising can be quite
affordable and effective, but only if done in the right way, paying
attention to simple, but important fundamentals. For example, you need a
minimal level of frequency, a consistently
focused message, and a professionally developed group of ads with identical
style, design, fonts, colors, message, tone and appearance to achieve a
"family" look and lasting impression.
It's also important to communicate with
disciplined continuity and steady repetition,
with close
attention to the fundamentals outlined in this section.
Read this section to
learn more about whether you should try your hand at running ads or
whether other equally effective options might work better for you.
(Learn more about
alternatives to advertising.) And remember -- even if you decide not to advertise -- you can
always help get this important new evidence to the general public sooner rather
than later by
donating to support the Elliot Institute's work.
On this Page: Tips for Effective Advertising
1. Deciding which
ads, when and how many to run.
2. Create a simple media plan.
3. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
4. A few keep-your-eye-on-the-ball basics.
5. A "starter" menu of ads to use for single- or limited-run usage vs. a major
6. Great free or low-cost alternatives for the ads, flyers and other
1. Which ads, when and how many? Is running just one ad a good idea?
Advertising is a great way to reach many people with a compelling
and consistent message. However, in the rush to reach people, resist
the temptation to run just one or a few ads, once or
randomly rotated. To get the results you want -- it's very
important to be painstakingly consistent! Select a few ads and stay on-message using a small "family"
of similarly themed and messaged ads. Maintain a rock-steady level of
consistency, repetition and focus.
Studies show that the
one-time "flash-in-the-pan" approach is minimally effective and can
even be detrimental if the message is taken out of context; for
example, by those who may be unaware of the "bigger picture," such
as new evidence of widespread unwanted, coerced of forced abortions.
Most people are unaware of new evidence which:
defies conventional wisdom about what people
think they already know,
competes with
false or misleading messages in the media,
may hit close to home for individuals and families directly or
indirectly affected -- personal experiences vary widely,
including unwanted, coerced or deceptively sold abortions, or women
who have experienced harsh judgment when they spoke
about regretting their own abortion or related issues,
may be out-of-context if established disinformation and important
"big picture" context goes uncorrected and
evidence goes unsaid or presumed.
In such situations, a
"one-size-fits-all" single-run or limited-run message is easily
misunderstood or taken out of context.
Fortunately, there are still many ways you can get the job done for
little or no money. (Learn more below.) The ads on this site are professionally
developed and based on the expertise of the Elliot Institute and other
experts who understand these issues. Whatever you do, remember that a
minimum level of frequency and repetition are needed for the message to
really "stick."
If you read the information on this page and still want to run just one or a few random ads, you can still be
effective, IF you use these simple tools:
a) Select from our menu of
and Match ads," suitable for one-time or limited runs and
also for general use with various types of
audiences and media.
b) Advertise in smaller,
affordable or free local publications, such as church bulletins,
newsletters, trade or civic magazines, etc., which are especially
effective for small ads. Any publication
-- from a school newspaper to a women's
club magazine to a senior citizens flyer -- can reach people who need or
will offer help.
Or, you can insert an
informational ad that takes a "big picture" approach, which places the
message in its larger context. Examples of this include the "What
Every American Needs to Know" message (ad, flyer or postcard
versions), the
"Forced Abortion in America" ad or flyer,
or anything on the
Small Space Ads
"Big picture" messages
like this show the larger perspective, not claiming to speak for
each and every abortion experience. Rather they show the larger
trends, which reflect profound exploitation that endangers both
babies and mothers.
All of these ads inform people about the big-picture pretext of abortion -- new evidence that most abortions are unwanted or
coerced, and other issues -- before presenting evidence about
"post-abortion" issues and risks. This pre-abortion evidence,
which doesn't claim to speak to or about any or all women, helps keep
post-abortion issues in a non-presumptive, informational context.
c) Most ads are also available in black-and-white versions and you
can also choose the smaller, quarter-page ads
from The UnChoice campaign, which are more affordable than their full-page
or full-color counterparts.
c) Run co-op ads to share the cost, and
ask a business sponsor, philanthropist or civic group to sponsor the ads
and put their logo or message in the designated boxed area. (Learn more
about co-op use, ideas and terms on the
co-op ad page.)
d) Plan a fundraiser -- Raise funds
and join with other individuals and church or civic, student or
volunteer groups, etc., so that you can run an effective campaign. In the meantime -- you can choose from our
Mix & Match menu,
Small Space Ads,
free or low-cost ideas.
Ways to get the best
results and address common pitfalls are listed below, as are free or
low-cost alternatives that may be a better choice. Also, the short
descriptions on the
ad campaign page will help you decide which option works best
for your budget, goals, staff, level of knowledge or expertise,
timetable and resources.
Read all 6 Steps on this page first. Then, if you want to run
just one ad, choose from the menu of designated, effective "Mix-and-Match"
2. Create a simple media plan
A little planning is essential
to be effective, avoid pitfalls and multiply your impact. For
example, it is better to run just a few
more affordable black-and-white ads (see our
Ads page) in a small-scale local
publication, with higher frequency, than it is to run one or two
big, full-color ads that only appear once or twice.
Before advertising, it's important to sketch out some sort of plan,
however basic. Combining a "family" of unified-theme, appearance and
similar message-focus ads in several mediums at once
helps reinforce your message for a highly effective "one-two" punch.
For example, you may decide to run a few radio ads (including free
PSA's) and newspaper or civic magazine ads plus billboards around
Select which media you
want to use.
Which Media?
Who Needs to Hear This?
for ideas, plus pros and
cons of radio, TV, print, internet and other media, based on who you
want to reach and what you can spend.
Narrow your audiencee, for example:
* Women –- college through middle-aged women aged
* Youth –- high schools, colleges, youth groups
* Religious or civic groups (include ads in
publications they subscribe to)
* Grassroots activists –- political leaders,
activists, volunteers, etc.
* General interest –- see Step 6
Select the type of media they might see or hear, for
* Women's magazines
* Religious programs and networks
* Radio talk shows or publications
* Radio or TV programs targeted to women
* Civic magazines
* Student publications
* Campus radio stations
* Other affordable local newspapers
Set aside a budget. (See
funding ideas.) Choose media that suit
your budget. For example, billboards, radio and low-cost local
church, civic or trade magazines are typically affordable options.
For even more leverage, supplement your plan with simultaneous
PR outreach in on-line and
traditional media. For example, send a
press release about the campaign,
or write
letters to the editor.
information. Contact each media's ad department for audience
demographics (e.g. gender, age, etc.), time slots and cost
estimates. Tell their advertising representative who you want to
reach with your advertising. (See
Who Needs to Hear This?)
Give them a ballpark estimate of your budget and ask for rates and a
simple, low-budget plan to reach the people you want to reach.
Make a
basic outline of which ads you want to run in which media during
the specified time period. Ideally, this outline should cover a one-
or two-month period or more.
If you
need help, enlist the aid of a professional media planner or ad
pro to create a plan, answer questions or act as a consultant to
review the plan you've sketched out.
3. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
Your media plan should include a high level of repetition, consistency
and frequency. It is far better to repeat a few small local ads
– consistently and often – than to run a large
ad just once in an expensive publication or radio/TV program.
Studies show that most people must see or hear one ad up to
6 or more times before it "sticks."
If your budget is limited, aim for at least 3 repetitions and see
Step 6, choose small space ads, or
consider other ways to fund a bigger campaign.
4. A few keep-your-eye-on-the-ball basics
Graphic design, writing style, strategy and other elements are
synergistic and work in concert to help people understand,
contextualize and remember. The message and look must be clear,
cohesive and consistent. Avoid mixing ads from different
Studies show that by the time you are bored with your message, it is
only beginning to take hold with your audience! Repeat
the same ads often, even and especially when you are tired of them.
(See step 3) It works!
For more tips about what not to do, read:
10 Ways to Blow an Ad Campaign (off-site link)
Although this
"10 Ways" list refers to traditional, sales- and marketing or
product-oriented advertising vs. more nuanced "issue campaigns,"
the fundamentals still apply ...
Follow them and you'll be effective. Ignore them and there is an
"opportunity cost," plus the potential for mixed messages and
significant unintended consequences.
This is especially serious when so many hearts and lives have been
broken, emotions run strong, lives are at risk and stakes are high.
5. Best ads for single- or limited-run usage ...
More affordable smaller ad sizes or ads from our mix-and-match menu make
it possible to run them more often.
Radio ads are also an
affordable option. (It's an ideal medium for reaching women and some
stations may even run the ads free of charge during off-peak hours. Or,
purchase ads at a reasonable cost during programs targeted to your
selected audience.) See Which Media? or
Who Needs to Hear it? for details.
If you want to run ads this
way, choose from the following menu of general-audience ads:
For more ideas,
choose from the
Mix & Match menu. If possible, run the
same ad -- or just a few ads -- consistently and often in the same media.
If you
can afford to supplement it with other media, you'll get even better
results. You can also incorporate low-cost/no-cost options and items
from our
PR/Events Planning Calendar.
For example: 3 quarter-page
newspaper ads plus 1 billboard and 2 radio ads running during
the same 4-week period.
6. Great free or low-cost ways to advertise
There are many free or affordable ways to advertise or gain other types
of low-cost or free media coverage. For example:
* Ask stations to run the radio
or TV ads as free Public Service Announcement (PSAs).
* Plan fundraisers throughout the year to run a big
multi-media campaign later, or donate
proceeds to help further this work.
* Ask your religious or civic group or local leaders
to sponsor The UnChoice" campaign close to home.
* Join forces with other groups or ask a local
businesses or individual sponsors to run co-op
print ads. The business or organization can be named as a
sponsor on the ads, featuring their message or logo. A local
counseling center specializing in these issues may also be willing
to sponsor an ad.
* Run small-space ads
in bulletins, newsletters, or mailings; send out as emails, or use
the text and links or banner ads on web pages.
* Distribute
business card-size ads and
bookmarks or use them as inserts in bulletins or mailings. You
can also post them on your web site.
* To leverage your ad campaign, send press releases,
story ideas and letters
to the editor on this issue to the local media. Check out the
Events Calendar for ways to tie in to seasonal and other timely
* Use healing (rose)
ads, "Invisible
Women," or
What Every American Needs to Know as flyers.
* Check the complete list of
low-cost/no-cost alternatives
to paid advertising
Run ads often in specialized or local media, which can be less
expensive than big national media. For example:
a local student newspaper, magazine or newsletter
a local metropolitan or women's magazine ...
a national or statewide trade or conservative magazine ...
a health-oriented newsletter ...
a women's club newsletter
a local cable TV channel
a local radio station or talk show
small ads in the back of women's magazines
church and civic publications,
simple, text-only classified ads, such as the sample below:

Small Ads / Bulletin/Clip Art for more ideas.
In order to maintain the
integrity and cohesiveness of this message, alterations are not
permitted, with the exception of co-op ads and
posters, which set aside a space for your local contact
Please read and follow
Terms of Use before using these ads.
If you follow the fundamentals, you'll get good results. If you
don't, the results can even be detrimental when messages are
disorganized, inconsistent or out of context. To learn more about how to avoid common advertising pit falls, read:
10 Ways to Blow an Ad Campaign (off-site link)